Lab Submission Guidelines
This list is still under construction. I will announce
any changes in class, though it would probably be a good idea for you
to double-check this page each time you start a new lab.
- All labs must be submitted electronically as a Mathematica
notebook (either via email or on flash drive/CDRom). I will
not accept printouts or floppy disks. Be SURE your name and the lab number are included
as part of the filename as well as inside the lab. Please do not
use spaces in the filename. So, for example, the filename might
be something like: Elmer_Fudd_Calc_III_Lab_1a.nb (notice the use
of the underscore _ instead of spaces).
- Your lab should clearly state the problem, clearly
show your work, and clearly state your solutions. (You should not include my explanatory text.) Make it easy to tell where
one question finishes and the next one begins (and what work goes
with which questions). Explanations matter. If all I see is a bunch of graphs and Mathematica commands, I'm not going to give you much credit.
- You must do your work within Mathematica. (In other
words, don't go punch something into your calculator and copy the
answer into Mathematica.) The commands in your notebook MUST generate
the output you claim it does (I will probably check this by re-executing
your commands to see if they produce the same answers you got),
so be very careful if you skip around.
- If necessary, you can delete the actual graphs you
generated as long as you leave the commands to generate them in
the notebook (I can then regenerate them myself). Only do this if
the file size is getting ridiculously large (mainly in labs with
lots of 3-D graphs).
- I will have very little pity on you if you use the
wrong formula for something that you could easily have looked up
(say, for example, in your book). Be sure you are using correct
forumlae for things
- Labs should be your own work; these are not group projects. You may help each other if you get stuck, but this should be your work.