Exercises for further study (i.e., homework)
Some of these I have already done myself, others just seemed like a good idea at the time...
Easier problems:
Animate a Sin curve whose amplitude varies over time.
Animate the "beating" of two Sin curves (i.e., when their period differs by only a small amount, with one period held steady and the other varied).
Animate a tangent line moving along a Sin curve.
Trickier problems:
Write a function that will animate a tangent line moving along an arbitrary function (provided by the user).
Write a function that will animate the rotation of a two-dimensional graph around the X axis to produce a surface. (Bonus: Try the same thing around the Y axis or, better yet, around an arbitrary vertical or horizontal line.)
Develop an animation to graphically demonstrate Newton's Method for an arbitrary function (supplied by the user).
Develop a comparison of the Binomial distribution, Poisson's distribution, and the Normal distribution, demonstrating when they are similar and when they differ significantly, using tables of data and overlaid graphs. (This one isn't so difficult to program, but takes some thought about what exactly it is you want to do...)
Converted by Mathematica
April 26, 2002