ACC recently unveiled its new Academic Master Plan, a far-reaching and adaptable list of programs and initiatives for ensuring the college fulfills its mission of student success while remaining aligned with community needs.
"Our Strategic Plan addresses our responsibility to our students and the community, and the Academic Master Plan gives us a roadmap to get there,” says ACC Chancellor, Dr. Richard Rhodes. "To quote our provost — this is not a wish list. This is a to-do list."
The Academic Master Plan (AMP) encompasses instruction, academic support, and student services, and is based on Student Success Initiative goals, current Presidential Priorities (pdf), and the college’s Strategic Plan (formerly the ACC Master Plan).
From these sources, along with local economic and labor trend data and ACC's own student performance data, four focus areas emerged. Individual college units have recommended more than 40 initiatives or activities — some already in progress — that support those four focus areas. A few initiatives within each focus area are listed below. For the entire list of initiatives, view the Academic Master Plan (pdf).
Increase Student Success
In order to increase student success, institutional improvements must be made to processes pertaining to student entry, progress, and completion.
Meet Business/Industry Workforce Needs
ACC must increase and further develop partnerships with business and organizations to create a world-class workforce and expand economic growth.
More than 40 programs and initiatives will help ensure ACC fulfills its responsibility to students and the community.
Achieve Operational Excellence
ACC must continuously assess and apply new principles, systems, and tools to support the sustainable improvement of college operations.
Increase Community Outreach & Communication
ACC must increase relationships with community organizations to identify mutual objectives and leverage existing resources.
Administrative departments (such as HR, Marketing, and IT) are creating plans to support the AMP. Together the plans will drive decisions about budget, personnel, and facilities beginning in 2014, and will be updated annually according to student and community needs.
"Developing plans that are data-informed, aligned, and adaptable is an essential part of the AMP," says Marcus Jackson, director of academic planning and evaluation. "Communication and collaboration are the keys to success, and departments across the college will continually work in concert to implement a comprehensive plan that fulfills ACC’s mission."
In addition to viewing individual unit plans, faculty and staff can keep up to date on the AMP by visiting the Academic Master Plan webpage. For information, contact Jackson at