Join your faculty and staff colleagues at General Assembly/Fall Convocation 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, September 28, at the Palmer Events Center (900 Barton Springs Rd.). Online registration is required.
Be there. Get inspired. Learn how you are making a difference and plan for the future. Dr. Richard Rhodes, ACC president/CEO, and Dr. Charles Cook, ACC provost and executive vice president of academic affairs, will deliver a joint State of the College Address. Dr. Christena Cleveland of Duke University will present this year’s keynote address, "The Practices of Equity." The program starts at 9 a.m. To attend in person, you must register on the General Assembly website.
Get there. Parking is available; however, space is limited. Employees are encouraged to carpool, ride Capital Metro, or take a shuttle from the Highland Campus. View the shuttle schedule and other transportation options here.
Get food. The event begins with breakfast and a resource fair at 8 a.m. Lunch also is provided to those who are scheduled to attend afternoon strategy sessions.
Help students. The Student Life Food Pantry will accept food donations. Great options to bring include canned soups and stews, granola bars and whole-grain cereals, peanut butter, and canned fruits and vegetables.
Afternoon sessions. Breakout sessions remain at the Palmer Events Center to allow for a seamless transition to information and resources. Sessions include:
Can’t get to the General Assembly this year? Join us through a live webcast of the morning presentation. A closed-captioned video also will be available after the event.
For more information and to register for this year’s General Assembly, visit the General Assembly webpage or email
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