TRHT Week 2021
Austin Community College District's (ACC) Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center hosted its inaugural TRHT Week January 18 - 22. The event, titled Social Justice and Collaborative Change: The Time is Now, was led by students, staff/faculty, guests, and community moderators, speakers, and panelists. The week featured 12 virtual learning opportunities including community dialogues, guest speakers, panel conversations, activities, and racial healing circles designed to promote the exploration of ways to transform ACC and Austin into more equitable communities.
The week's events impacted nearly 500 students, staff, faculty, and community members. Highlights include:
Spring Development Day
The Teaching & Learning Excellence Division's Faculty Development team hosted ACC's annual Spring Development Day on Friday, January 15, 2021. The 2021 theme, "Remote Delivery, Meaningful Learning," invited all employees to discover meaningful ways to support student learning, even when our teaching and services are delivered remotely. 1,379 employees registered for the event. Featured speakers included keynote Dr. Katharine Brooks, Evans Family Executive Director from Vanderbilt University, and many fellow ACC faculty and staff who shared their expertise with colleagues. All 37 sessions were recorded and are now available for viewing on the Spring Development Day webpage.