The Austin Community College District (ACC) Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting on Monday, December 12, to hear college updates, swear-in new board members, and discuss student success.
Below are highlights from the meeting.
ACC recognizes outgoing board member, welcomes new one
Steve Jackobs was sworn in as ACC's newest trustee by the Honorable Gina Hinojosa,
District 49 State Representative. He replaces outgoing trustee Dr. Nora de Hoyos Comstock. Re-elected board members Sean Hassan and Dr. Manuel Gonzalez also were sworn in. Trustees also elected new board officers for 2022-23. Read more here.
Student Success Report
The board received an update on the 2021-22 Student Success Report. The report explores academic progress toward three Strategic Plan goals, including:
Goal 1: Increase Access and Entry
Highlights on Equity
Fast Track Career Programs
Improved student experiences
Support areas in high-demand career fields
Strategic enrollment management process focused on equity
Goal 2: Improve Persistence and Engagement
ACC launched a pilot, Academic Alert to connect faculty with the college’s student affairs academic guidance team
Continued focus on distance education to maintain academic continuity
Embedded tutoring support for students in distance education
Student engagement with Student Life, BRASS, Ascender, Phi Theta Kappa, and Student Government.
Support Services with Student Advocacy Centers
Goal 3: Increase Completion & Transfer/Employment
The 3-year graduation rate increased from 7.2% to 22.8% over the last four cohorts
ACC is tied as the No. 1 college in the state for transfer success rates
Guided Pathways provides students a clear roadmap to on-time completion and personalized guidance to help them stay on track
Apprenticeships provide support services to ACC academic departments to develop and maintain apprenticeships
Increasing workforce and business/industry partnerships
Contract for Police Pursuit Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) for the ACC Police Department
Trustees approved a contract for the ACC Police Department to acquire two to three new sport utility vehicles (SUVs). The SUVs will be four-wheel drive, all-terrain vehicles.
Consent Approval for Hazardous Material Removal & Fire Protection Services Districtwide
Trustees also unanimously approved the college administration to move forward on a contract remove hazardous materials and install, repair, and update fire protection services districtwide. Click here to watch the recording.