A Message From IT: Websites

Websites at Austin Community College (ACC) are developed using several content management systems (CMS). The nature of the content of the website may determine the CMS where the website should be constructed. These include Google Sites, WordPress, and Drupal content management systems. To ensure all sites are properly managed and maintained, please follow the best practices shared below.

Google Sites

Google Sites is a website building platform from Google, G Suite. Google Sites allows users to create a website without any programming coding knowledge. Because of the collaborative nature of Google products, developers can allow other users to join on the creation of the website, which makes it a valuable tool for web-based teams. Employees may want to consider using Google Sites to build an internal website for communication purposes.

Google Sites gives users the ability to create a website with no oversight from the ACC Web Team and the management and maintenance of the website will be the responsibility of the website’s owner. If a website loses functionality or is not displaying properly due to an upgrade in the service by G Suite, it is the website owner’s responsibility to correct. The website owner is also responsible for transitioning their Google Site if they accept a different position at ACC or leave ACC.


WordPress is an open source content management system that is used for building and maintaining database driven websites. For this reason, it should be used for academic department websites and other special topics. A content owner and technical owner are assigned from the ACC Web Team. Employees may request a WordPress site here.

The Teaching and Learning Excellence Division (TLED) oversees any instructional-based, academic division, and academic department website development. These kinds of website projects can be requested through the TLED Contact Form.


Drupal is a complex open source content management system that is solely used for the main ACC website and administrative units at the college.

All ACC websites must still adhere to ACC policies, guidelines, and brand standards.

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