Austin Community College District (ACC) administration is using knowledge learned about the virus over the past few months to inform spring planning and what another semester in the time of COVID-19 looks like.
“Our first priority was, and remains, protecting the health, safety, and well-being of our students and employees,” says Dr. Richard Rhodes, ACC chancellor. “We will continue to balance safety with our mission to ensure student success. Our return to campus will remain a slow and steady process. As always, our response will evolve as the situation evolves.”
Many employees and students will continue working and learning remotely, and the expansion of in-person services vital to student success will be gradual. Teams are currently in the planning stages for the possible return of limited TSI testing and in-person application/registration support for students without access to internet connectivity.
The college will continue to require strict health and safety protocols, including facial coverings, social distancing, temperature checks, and health screenings via app.
There have been 4 self-reported cases of COVID-19 at ACC this month. No cases of on-campus transmission have occurred.
Read more about the spring planning process and the next steps the college is considering in the latest email from Chancellor Dr. Richard Rhodes.
The most up-to-date information can be found at ACC’s COVID-19 website.
Spring Enrollment Update
As of November 23, 22,699 students have registered for spring semester. Registration continues through January 18, 2021. Registration numbers this year trail prior years somewhat, but continue to make steady gains each week. It is important to note that ACC began spring registration several weeks later this year than in prior years due to COVID-19.
The first day of classes is January 19. The college is once again offering 14-week sessions in the spring semester in addition to the 16-, 12-, and 8-week sessions.
Most courses will be online, with only up to 20 percent of the available courses offering face-to-face or hybrid classes.