Austin Community College District (ACC) has established a Cross-College Communications Team (CCCT) to guide collegewide communications improvements and align communications strategies.
The team will work to keep the ACC community engaged and well-informed by sharing relevant, timely information across the most effective communications channels.
"Improved internal communications — collegewide, top-down, bottom-up, and across units — is essential to creating a culture of care and achieving ACC's Strategic Plan goals," says Brette Lea, vice president of Communications and Marketing.
In its initial meeting in November 2020, the team decided on its goals and identified some of the most important current topics and communications channels.
The first task selected by the team is to redesign the Faculty and Staff landing page on the college's website to serve as the primary information hub for employees now that the MyACC portal is live.
The CCCT is composed of experts and stakeholders from across the college: