Bio 1704 Intro to Micro
00 Rohde
Exam I
I. True/False (15 pts)
1. In
RNA, guanine pairs with cytosine while adenine pairs with uracil.
Robert Koch verified Ivanovski's "germ theory of disease".
3. An
acidic pH of 1.5 is a strong acid while a pH of 7 is a strong base.
4. A
pure culture is a medium with no species of organism(s) present.
5. In
gene expression, the information flows from DNA to RNA to protein.
The endospore is responsible for reproduction and growth of bacteria.
Eucaryotic cells are varied and highly specialized with a nucleus and
bound organelles
(cell structures).
Parasites are microbes which live in or on another organism to gain
and protection
while doing no damage to the host.
The pilus is a critical feature for the process of conjugation.
Fleming was the discoverer of the antibiotic tetracycline.
Lactic acid fermentation is a process used in the production of yogurt
and other dairy
ATP is the storage molecule for energy which is used by microorganisms.
The bacterial cell wall is composed of mainly peptidoglycan made up of
N-acetylglutamic acid
and N-acetyl muramic acid.
14. In
DNA, adenine pairs with thymine while guanine pairs with cytosine.
The study of fungi in the world of microorganisms is known as mycology.
II. Match the following terms and descriptions (20 pts)
1. Main function is protein synthesis
2. Responsible for germ theory of disease
3. Means of motility for bacteria
4. Anticodon
5. 1st to develop Microscope
6. Main functions are adherance and
prevention of phagocytosis
7. Chemical reaction that literally means Ato break down@
8 Developed aseptic technique in
9. Type of microscope that lends itself in
the study of shape and internal structure
(typical microbiology microscope)
10. Immunization for smallpox
a. Mitochondria k. Jenner
b. Salk l. Nucleus
c. Ribosome m.
d. Ehrlich n. Pasteur
e. Brightfield o. Lister
f. Flagella p. Darkfield
g. Van Leeuwenhock q. Phylum
h. Janssen r. Pathogen
i. mRNA s. Capsule
j. tRNA t. Anabolism
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III. Define (10 pts)
1. Lyophilization-
2. Pure culture-
3. Pili-
4. Porin proteins-
5. Aseptic technique-
IV. List or Identify (10 pts)
1. Example of a physical mutation
2. Three major shapes of bacteria
3. Ionic bond
4. Autotrophs vs. Heterotrophs
5. Aerobic respiration vs. Anaerobic
V. Multiple Choice (20 pts)
During transcription of DNA, a sequence of AAA will order an RNA base sequence of (a) UUU
(b) TTT (c) UAA (d) ACG (e)
amino acids
The high power objective of the microscope has a magnification of (a) 100x
(b) 40x
(c) 10x (d) 400x (e) 1000x
Bacterial cells’ outer surface are predominantly __________ (a) positively charged (b) neutral (c) translucent (d) negatively charged (e) porous
4. Salk
is responsible for his contribution of (a) penicillin (b) 1st microscope
(c) polio
vaccine (d) structure of DNA
Polysaccharides are (a) single
sugar molecule (b) steroids (c) more than two sugars (d) genomes
(e) proteins
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Covalent bonds are formed when atoms ______ electrons. (a) lack (b) repel
(c ) form (d) lose
(e) share
The cell membrane functions in (a) transport (b) motility (c) nutrient
processing and synthesis
(d) both a & c (e) none of
the above
Carbohydrates are found in DNA and cell walls and can be made up of
(a) nucleic
acids (b) solutions of ions (c) triglycerides (d) enzymes
(e) none of the
Flagella with a single flagellum at one end are said to be (a) lophotrichous
(b) monotrichous (c) peritrichous (d) amphitrichous (e) unitrichous
Two procaryotic structures that function in adhesion are the pilus
(a) cilia (b) capsule
(c) mitochondria (d) endoplasmic
____ 11. The enzyme
which pairs corresponding correct bases with each other during replication is (a) RNA polymerase (b) helicase (c ) DNA polymerase (d) ATPase
____ 12. The following
biotechnology technique is responsible for Amimicing@ replication in a test tube.
(a) RFLP (b) PCR (c ) cloning (d) recombination (e) none of these
____ 13. Transfer RNA
(tRNA) is said to be Abilingual@
during translation because it can read the language of RNA and (a) DNA
(b) rRNA (c )
ATP (d) amino acids
____ 14. A pH of 7 is
said to be _______ which is where most of the ________ bacteria prosper. (a) neutral,
nonpathogenic (b) acidic,
pathogenic (c ) neutral, pathogenic (d) basic, gram positive (e) nonionic, gram negative
____ 15. Binomial
nomenclature refers to the (a) genus and species (b) species and order
(c ) genus and
division (d) kingdom and genus (e) phylum and order
____ 16. In the lab,
the isolation of pure and single colonies of bacteria is achieved by performing a (a) streak plate (b) mixed culture (c ) smear (d) PCR
____ 17. The term
pathogenic refers to (a) illness (b) disease causing (c )
(d) genetic
characteristics (e) cancerous
____ 18. In the gram
stain, the acetone/alcohol is responsible for (a) lysing the high lipid content of gram neg cells (b) lysing the teichoic acid of gram neg.
cells (c ) binding the peptidoglycan layer
of both gram pos. and neg. cells (d)
washing the cells clean
____ 19. With a complex
media, the contents are (a) chemically precise and defined (b) most often made up of salt and water (c ) useful for the gram stain (d)
generally unknown
(chemically undefined)
____ 20. A weak acid or
base that keeps solutions from becoming too acidic or too basic for organisms to prosper is known as a (a) base
(b) buffer (c ) organic compound (d) ion
VI. Short Answer Essay (each question worth 5pts)
5 of the 10 questions. Clearly mark a 6th question and answer as
a bonus.
pts = 25 (+5 if bonus is answered correctly)
Explain Koch=s Postulates and the Germ Theory of Disease.
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2. Discuss how raw materials (substrates) from
the environment are converted into the finished
product during metabolism by explaining the sequential steps in the assembly line.
Discuss organic compounds, briefly describing the four classes of
macromolecules. Give examples in your list.
4. Define the process of gene expression
(transcription and translation). Use
drawings to help your explanation.
5. Discuss the 4 major ways that genetic
material is transferred between bacteria.
Distinguish between simple and differential biological staining procedures and
list the four steps of the Gram stain.
Explain how the gram stain differentiates between the gram positive and
gram negative cell wall (ie. which step is crucial in the procedure and why?).
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Compare and contrast the cell wall of the gram positive bacteria to gram negative
8. Describe selective, differential and
enrichment media.
9. Describe the process of DNA replication. Why is it referred to as semiconservative
10. Define resolution with respect to the
microscope. Why does one use immersion oil with the 100X objective lens.
Essays and then Circle a 6th one for a bonus….if you don’t
designate which 1 is the bonus….it will not be graded.