Unit 2 Study Guide

Bio 2420  Intro to Microbiology

R. Rohde


After completing Chapter 5, you should know:


1. Explain the following terms:


a.       Mycelium                           g.         trophozoite

b.      Hyphae                              h.         cyst

c.       Yeast                                 i.          vector (arthropods)

d.      Spores                             

e.       Dimorphic                         

f.        Mold


2.                  Explain the basis for the classification of the terrestrial fungi; name the medically important groups and identify examples of each.


3.                  Distinguish between the opportunistic mycoses.


4.                  Identify the 4 major groups of protozoa and explain the basis for their classification. Name some diseases caused by members of each group.


5.                  Discuss the control and treatment of eukaryotic microbes.


After completing Chapter 6, you should know: 


1.                  Diagram and explain the major structural components of a virus.


2.                  Define the following terms:

a.       bacteriophage                                            f.          virion

b.      cytopathic effect                                         g.         viroid

c.       latency                                                        h.         prion

d.      lysogeny                                                       i.          oncogenic

e.       naked virus                                                

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3.                  Describe the classification of animal viruses.


4.                  Explain the lytic cycle through which viruses replicate.


5.                  Describe diagnosis, control, and treatment of viral diseases.


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After completing Chapter 11, you should be able to:


1.                  Define the following terms:

a.       sterilization                                      d.         preservation

b.      disinfection

c.       antisepsis


2.                  Distinguish between the use and meaning of -cide and -stasis.


3.                  Describe the action of moist heat on microorganisms.  Explain pasteurization, boiling, and autoclaving.


4.                  Explain the methods used to sterilize with dry heat.


5.                  Explain the two types of radiant energy used in microbial control, how they control, and examples and               uses of each.


6.                  Describe the process of filtration, tell how it can be used in sterilization, and state the conditions under               which it would be the process of choice.


7.                  Describe the action of cold, drying and osmotic strength on microbes.


8.                  Compare the following agents (disinfectants/antiseptics) on relative effectiveness of killing or inhibition               of microbes, means of application, susceptible organisms, and methods of killing.

a.         phenolics                                              d.         aldehydes

b.         halogens                                               e.         surfactants

c.         alcohols                                                f.          heavy metals

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After completing Chapter 12, you will be able to:


1.                  Define the following terms:

a.       antibiotics                                       f.          synergism

b.      synthetic drugs                               g.         antifungal

c.       selective toxicity                             h.         antimycobacterial

d.      narrow vs. broad spectrum            i.          antiparasitic

e.       competitive inhibitor                      j.          antiviral


2.                  What determines if a microbe is drug resistant?  What is the difference between natural and acquired resistance?


3.                  List examples of antibiotics that have the following modes of action:


a.       cell wall synthensis inhibition            d.         nucleic acid synthesis inhibition

b.      cell membrane disruption                 e.         folic acid synthesis inhibition

c.       protein synthesis inhibition


4.                  Why is drug resistance a major and urgent problem in our society?

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***Each chapter in the textbook, student study guide, and my website notes section has additional review questions and study hints!!